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Error opening '%s' for writing Can not label tapes. Can not read label sector from '%s' '%s' is unlabeled or the label is corrupt. Proceed? [y/n] The '%s' driver does not support labels. d(isplay) D(efault) m(odify) w(rite) q(uit)? dDmwqLabel changed. Discard changes [y/n]? modify d(isplay) g(eometry) m(isc) p(artitions) q(uit)? dgmpqmodify geometry d(isplay) s(ector/trk) t(rk/cyl) c(yl) S(ector/cyl) q(uit)? dstcSqsectors/track [%d]: tracks/cylinder [%d]: cylinders [%d]: sectors/cylinder [%d]: modify misc d(isplay) t(ype) n(ame) l(abel) f(lags) r(pm) D(rivedata) q(uit)? dtnlfrDqtype [%s]: disk [%s]: label [%s]: rpm [%d]: modify misc drivedata drivedata #%d [%D]: modify misc flags d(isplay) c(lear) e(cc) b(adsect) r(emovable) q(uit)? dcerbqmodify partitions d(isplay) n(umber) s(elect) q(uit)? dsnqNumber of partitions (%d max) [%d]? a b c d e f g h q(uit)? sizes and offsets may be given as sectors, cylinders or cylinders plus sectors: 6200, 32c, 19c10s respectively modify partition '%c' d(isplay) z(ero) t(ype) o(ffset) s(ize) f(rag) F(size) q(uit)? dztosfFq'%c' fstype [%s]: '%c' offset [%D]: '%c' size [%D]: '%c' frags/fs-block [1]: frags/block <= 0 || > 255 '%c' frag size [1024]: fragsize <= 0 || ! % NBPG abcdefghq%s not found in list. The possible choices are: %s duplicate 'c'ylinder specified duplicate 's'ector specified illegal character '%c' # cylinders specified but no geometry info present! Number of cylinders specified (%D) is ridiculous! %d is out of bounds (> %d) %D is out of bounds (> %D) yYnNsectors/track %d tracks/cylinder %d cylinders/unit %d revolutions/minute %dpartition %c: size 0, but offset %dpartition %c: offset past end of unit %D %D partition %c: extends past end of unit %D %D %D unused partition %c: size %D offset %DWarning, ]]]]^^ ^^^!^&^0^:^C^K^Z^a^g^n^v^{^0000unknownSMDMSCPold DECSCSIESDIST506floppyunusedswapVersion 6Version 7System V2.11BSDEighth Edition4.2BSDMSDOS4.4LFSunknownHPFSISO9660type: %s type: %d disk: %s label: %s flags: removeable ecc badsect bytes/sector: %d sectors/track: %d tracks/cylinder: %d sectors/cylinder: %d cylinders: %d rpm: %d drivedata: %D %d partitions: # size offset fstype [fsize bsize] %c: %D %D %s%d %d %d # (Cyl. %D- %D) 0123456789ABCDEF~#$ $$$$$$null path .%s not found bn < 0 bn ovf %D bn void %D %s: !directory,mode %o size: %D ip %o lseek No file slotsBad device Unknown device Bad offset or ctlr, unit, part out of bounds Can't write files Exit called%s Trap in %s,bus errorillegal instructionbpt/traceiotpower failemtsys/trapweird at loc %o registers: r0=%o, r1=%o, ps=%o, nps=%o %s%d csr[0%o]: Bad PSL mode%s error reading labelsector %s disklabel missing/corrupt %s spans volume %s bad partition # or size = 0 %s error writing label warning: partition '%c' overlaps '%c' r*z* %s err: cs2=%o, er=%o (FATAL ERROR) P` `,, %s err: er=%o cs=%o (FATAL ERROR) P %s err sr=%o xs0=%o xs1=%o xs2=%o xs3=%o (FATAL ERROR) @tms%d: step %d failed sa=0%o %s STCON%s ONLIN%s Fatal err sa=%o %s I/O err 0%o op=0%o mod=0%o /2v@ 2a7 `7` /K( w7@ 7` 7 ` J0 U778898888898989898989898989898%s err cy=%d tr=%d sc=%d cs2=%o er1=%o type: RM02 c=%d t/c=%d s/t=%d %s unknown drive type: %d -- using 1 cyl, 1 trk, 2 sec/trk %s unknown SI drive model %d -- using 1 cyl, 1 trk, 2 sec/trk SMD%s err cy=%d sc=%d, er=%o, ds=%o %s err cy=%d, hd=%d, sc=%d, rlcs=%o, rlmp=%o Can't get %s sts x%s rxcs %o rxes %o %s !ready %s err: cy=%d tr=%d sc=%d er=%o ds=%o %s err: cy=%d tr=%d sc=%d cs2=%d er=%o %s err cy=%d hd=%d sc=%d cnr=%o, err=%o h%s STCON err %s !online %s rsp %x op %x ignored %s err op=%x sts=%x %s rasa=%x ra(%o) fail step %d. retrying %s GTUNT failed  NZ#|*|36@CLOY\ehnx{~n&2ZUlU2H  &)+d7:<jDGIN[^bd8 mpr n t    !-37=?LRV\^hdfptv  ]]  "(*,1:<FHJOT&Z^adfl~t|_HH  $&*r17< @DG(MSVXZ^bhnpruy X!B####   0$#&),15:$AC$IKMP@%VX Z]n%gkotyJ&J&~'(@(  6)6)"')03);>DH)TW\aelquz~L+z+z+++- X-X- %).5:>CF.OR.^afkrw{n00b022 (4(+05:>CGJ4UX^bf05ks05{~55Pc^clc"zcc c c c& c2 c> cI cS c_ \7h k n s x   9 9           :  : :           <  =  ! 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