{ Copyright (C) 1981 by Bell Laboratories, Inc., and Whitesmiths Ltd. } { initfmt -- set format parameters to default values } procedure initfmt; begin fill := true; dir := 0; inval := 0; rmval := PAGEWIDTH; tival := 0; lsval := 1; spval := 0; ceval := 0; ulval := 0; lineno := 0; curpage := 0; newpage := 1; plval := PAGELEN; m1val := 3; m2val := 2; m3val := 2; m4val := 3; bottom := plval - m3val - m4val; header[1] := NEWLINE; { initial titles } header[2] := ENDSTR; footer[1] := NEWLINE; footer[2] := ENDSTR; outp := 0; outw := 0; outwds := 0 end;