.hd itoc "convert integer to character string" 03/23/80 integer function itoc (int, str, size) integer int, size character str (size) .sp Library: vswtlb (standard Subsystem library) .fs 'Itoc' converts the integer given as its first parameter to a character string that is returned as its second parameter. The last 'size' - 1 digits of the number, and no more, are returned. The number is left justified, with a leading minus sign if the number is negative. The function return is the length of the character string returned. .im 'Itoc' performs a rather standard conversion by using modular arithmetic to fetch one digit at a time from the integer value supplied. The character string generated is placed backward in the receiving field, then reversed just before exit. .am str .sa other conversion routines ('cto?*' and '?*toc') (2)