.hd gtattr "get a user's terminal attributes" 02/24/82 integer function gtattr (attr) integer attr .sp Library: vswtlb (standard Subsystem library) .fs 'Gtattr' returns the value of the attribute 'attr' that the user desires. Currently, the following attribute types are accepted[bl]: .sp .in +5 .ti -5 TA_SE_USEABLE[bl]-[bl][bl]indicates whether the terminal can use the screen editor ('se'). The returned value is either YES or NO. .sp .ti -5 TA_VTH_USEABLE[bl]-[bl][bl]indicates whether the terminal is supported by the Virtual Terminal Handler package (VTH). The returned value is either YES or NO. .sp .ti -5 TA_UPPER_ONLY[bl]-[bl][bl]indicates whether the terminal supports only the upper case character set. The returned value is either YES or NO. .in -5 .sp The value of each of the above attributes is set upon entry into the Subsystem, but can be changed by executing the 'term' command. .im 'Gtattr' first verifies that the given attribute is a legal one; if it isn't, then NO is returned. If the attribute is legal, its value is obtained from the Subsystem common area and returned as the function value. .sa term (1), term_type (1), VTH routines (vt?*) (2)