.hd getlin "read one line from a file" 04/11/82 integer function getlin (line, fd [, line_length] ) integer line_length file_des fd character line (line_length) .sp Library: vswtlb (standard Subsystem library) .fs 'Getlin' is the primary Subsystem input routine. It is used to read a line from a file, which may be assigned to any device recognized by the Subsystem. The first argument is a string to receive data transferred from the file; the second argument is the file descriptor of the file from which data will be read; the optional third argument is the maximum length of the receiving string. Characters are transferred from the file to the string buffer until (1) end-of-file occurs, (2) a NEWLINE is encountered, or (3) the string buffer is completely full. Unless end-of-file occurs, the function return is the length of the string returned in the buffer; on end-of-file, EOF is returned. The third argument, 'line_length', is optional. If omitted, the value MAXLINE is assumed. At most, 'line_length' - 1 characters, followed by an EOS, are transferred to the buffer. .im 'Getlin' first calls 'mapsu' to map any standard port descriptor it may have been passed into a Subsystem file descriptor. The file specified must be readable and not at end-of-file; if these conditions are not met, EOF is returned immediately. The Primos routine MISSIN is called to determine if the line length argument is missing; if it is, the default value of MAXLINE is assumed. Regardless of device type, 'flush$' is called to place the file buffer in a consistent state if the last operation performed on the file was not a 'getlin' or 'getch'. One of two device dependent drivers ('dgetl$' for disk or 'tgetl$' for terminal) is called to do the real work of getting data into the buffer. Note: Reads on a null device always return EOF. .am line .ca mapsu, dgetl$, tgetl$, flush$, Primos missin .bu The current optional use of the 'line_length' argument is somewhat shaky. There is need for more devices than "terminal" and "disk" (system console, for example). .sa dgetl$ (6), tgetl$ (6), mapsu (2), putlin (2), flush$ (6)